Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 77: Caterpie

 I've been told that I am a goofy, goofy man and I actually did save back then. You can tell by Nelly's experience bar in the shots provided. I blame the goof on my budding insanity.
 Anyway, I enact my plan to catch Farfetch'd.
 Metal geared that shit.
“Thank you so much!
My boss's Pokemon won't obey me,
because I don't have a Badge.
Phew. You saved me.”
“You found them for us, kid?
Without them, we wouldn't be able to
cut trees for charcoal.
Thanks, kid!
Now, how can I thank you...?
I know! Here, take this.”
 And with that, I'm actually going to head back to Azalea Town. There's a useful item to be gained after doing this mini-game.
Not three steps from the Cut guy, this guy shows up.

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