So Whitney is notoriously tough. Here goes nothing!
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I saw you at the Radio Tower just now.
Everyone was into Pokemon, so I got
into it, too!
Pokemon are super cute!
You want to battle?
I'm warning you—I'm good!”
For the first turn, I try to get Rhianna to use Stun Spore - it misses, of course. Meanwhile Clefairy uses Metronome for Uproar, an obnoxiously damaging attack that lasts 2-5 turns.
On the second turn I get Stun Spore to stick.
Rhianna goes down due to an unfortunate crit. I'm forced to bring out Diane.
I spend the first turn reviving Rhianna. Next, I use Flame Wheel.
It does decent damage. At this point, I'm focused on baiting Whitney - she has two Super Potions and it's far better for me in the long run if I force her to waste them on Clefairy. Instead of finishing her off with Flame Wheel, I use Quick Attack.
On the next turn my little ploy pays off.
At this point I just spam Vine Whip.
After a few turns, we're both nearly dead. Oddly, Whitney doesn't use her other Super Potion - either the AI only uses one item per Pokemon or it always saves at least one for the final Pokemon.
I use a Super Potion of my own.
I finally kill it. Whitney brings out her Miltank...
Stomp brings Rhianna's health down to 15. You can tell I'm in bad shape when I'm popping Super Potions constantly...
Even after the Potion, Miltank begins Rollout, taking her back down to 33. I switch to Diane.
...Nevermind. I switch to Nelly.
Desperate, I try to buy a few turns with Supersonic.
It doesn't work and Nelly dies. I bring out Rhianna.
I switch to Kyle.
So this is going to sound like a cop out, but I saw this coming - I wanted to gauge how much I need to train. I've learned a few key things:
- You can't bait Whitney into wasting both of her potions, just one.
- Rhianna's type resistance to Rollout does not make up for her piss-poor defense.
- Diana does the most damage, so I should focus on her for training.
- This is bullshit.
Anyway, Mom calls in. Maybe she will give some words of encouragement...
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