The following is without a doubt the longest post on
When last we left our dictator, he had beaten a redundant Bug Catcher. Now, it's time to face Bugsy. But first, I need to heal up.
With Togepi's birth, we have our first male Pokemon. I was kind of hoping for a complete amazon brigade for a team, but what you gonna do. Here's some info on him:
As with all egg Pokemon, Kyle starts at level 1. He has a "Lonely" nature, which means he has a higher than average attack growth and below average defense. He also doesn't learn a single offensive move until level 33 (or until he evolves), so I'm not going to bother leveling him up until I get an experience share. I WILL level him up though, because his final form is a goddamn stealth aircraft.
On the way out of the Gym, Elm gives me a call...
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"I knew that giving that Egg to you,
Stalin, was the right thing to
do. I just knew it!
You should come here and show me what
kind of Pokemon it is!"
Yeah... I'm not doing that. At least, not until I get fly.
The rest of the trip to the Pokecenter and back is thankfully Geisha-free.
In order to reach Bugsy, I need to head back to the twins. From there, hitting a switch disables the blue web and I can ride over to another switch on the lower right.
From here, I disable the red web.
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My research is going to make me
the authority on Bug-type Pokemon!
Let me demontstrate what I've learned
from my studies."
He's uh, kind of a dweeb, isn't he?
Holy shit! Level 17? To test the waters, I try out Nelly's new Bite...
I didn't grab a shot of it, but Nelly's Bite only dealt a sliver of its health. And Scyther's Quick Attack wasn't even critical. Let me try Quilava instead...
Switching in takes a turn, so Scyther gets a free shot. It deals thirteen damage - impressive for the low power of Quick Attack.
Fortunately (or not) it uses the next turn on Focus Energy, raising its critical hit percentage but dealing no damage.
Not bad!
At least I'm still dealing more damage-
Fuck. It heals him to nearly full health.
This picture takes place AFTER the damage of Ember is calculated. He's still a healthy bug. And then...
You got this!
So I actually sacrifice Kyle to gain a turn. I then use the turn to revive Quilava. Tricky buisness, I know.
After another bloody exchange, Scyther is finally put down.
Next is Metapod. It's clear that Bugsy blew his wad in the opening play. I bring a bruised, but functional, Nelly to battle. I use the first few turns to heal Nelly and Quilava with potions.
What follows is a slow Bite/Tackle duel that ends like this:
Nelly actually survives this Tackle and Bites Metapod back for the win, but she's obviously too exhausted to survive the next encounter. I bring out Quilava again.
Kakuna bursts into flames, making a satisfying crackling noise and dying in one hit.
You were a worthy opponent, Dweebsy.
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"My research isn't complete yet.
Ok, you win. Take this Badge."
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"Bugsy: TM89 contains U-turn.
It lets your Pokemon attack, then
switch with the next Pokemon
in your party.
Isn't that great?"
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"Study your top choices thoroughly".
Whew. Thus concludes landmark no. 2. Easily the closest to defeat I've ever been. It's because I'm splitting the experience three ways very evenly. The day may come when I need to start grinding to beat the Gym leaders... but hopefully, it just won't come to that. I have a few... ideas to further that goal. I also plan to tighten up the editing to make the blog more palatable to read. You'll see...
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