The next day, on the lowest level of the Team Rocket base...
“So you are messing with them again.
Humph, you must really like Team Rocket
so much.
...Tell me, who was the guy in the cape
who used Dragon-type Pokemon?
My Pokemon were no match at all.
I don't care that I lost. I can beat
him by getting stronger Pokemon.
It's what he said that bothers me...
He told me that I don't love and
trust my Pokemon enough.
I'm furious that I lost to a bleeding
heart like him.
Humph! I don't have the time for the
likes of you!”
That's Lan- oh, he left. Well then. I open up those big metal doors using the SLOWPOKETAIL and RATICATETAIL passwords.
“Me? You don't know who I am?
It is me, Giovanni.
The majestic Giovanni himself!
...Huh? I don't sound anything like
I don't even look like Giovanni?
How come? I've worked so hard
to mimic him!
He spins around to reveal...
You must be trying to sneak into the
radio-transmitter room. Well, that's
not going to happen.
That room is protected with a special
password. The password is
'Hail Giovanni.'
Surprised to hear it from me?
Knowing the password won't help
you though.
The door won't open unless I say the
password. It only reacts to my voice.”
I am loving those eyebrows.
He opens with Zubat, who dies in one hit to Flame Wheel.
Koffing survives a turn of Flame Wheel, but only uses "Assurance," a move that deals pitiful damage unless Diane had already been hurt this turn. I finish it off with another Flame Wheel.
Raticate goes ahead and dies in one hit to Flame Wheel.
“been missing. But we're certain
he's been waiting
for the right time for our revival...
Losing to you won't change the fact
that you are unable to get in the
radio-transmitter room!
You need my voice to unlock it!”
oh darn. He skips off, laughing with glee, and leaves me to my own devices. Did you notice that Murkrow in the corner?
“MURKROW is mimicking
the voice of Petrel!
You may be able to...!?”
Oh, I know! I can cook it for a delicious meal!
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