Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 71: Metapod -- Ilex Forest

 Glad to be done with all those plot elements. Today all I have to deal with is an insipid minigame!
“The FARFETCH'D that cut trees for
charcoal took off in the forest.
Can you catch them for me?
FARFETCH'D have sensitive ears.
If you step on a branch, they will face
toward you. That's your chance.
Sneak up from behind and catch them...
Do you think you can do that?”
 This first one is painfully simple. I just go around that path of trees in the back and nab him from behind.
There is one more missing.
If you step on a branch, it will face
that way, remember?
That's your chance to catch it.
Sneak up on it slowly from behind.”
 Thanks, I had forgotten what I learned 15 seconds ago
 No time for farfetched minigames though, I've got a Metapod to fight!
 Nelly's really come into her own now that she has Bite. And is fighting much weaker Pokemon.
 Metapod makes a brilliant ploy...
But Nelly's is brillianter.

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