Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 56: Poke Maniac Larry

 Over to the west of the Firebreather is this pond. Also, if you use your imagination a bit, Rhianna's head and eyes resemble a headcrab sitting on Stalin.
“Are you looking for Pokemon, too?
Then you're my collecting rival!”
 He's a competitive people.
 Why does he look more like a jackass close up?
 Rhianna opens with a vine whip, shaving off a good 49% or so of his health. Slowpoke responds with a yawn. The second turn is the same thing; a vine whip for a yawn (which does nothing, obviously.)

For those not in the know, yawn makes a Pokemon fall asleep after two turns. So this happens:
 Like the Koffings before him, Slowpoke looks very satisfied with himself.
 Get your shit together, Rhianna.
  Get your shit together, Rhianna.
 Thank you.

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