I'm playing a new game for today. It's called Babblemon: HeartTold
The first thing I noticed after booting the game up: Rhianna as Weepinbell looks amazing on the map. :O
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“It was a rare sight to see!
I want you to have this.
Don't be shy-take it!"
Obtained the HM03!
"That's Surf.
It's a move that lets Pokemon swim
across water with ease.”
So it's pretty apparent to me that I'll need to get a water Pokemon soon. I was hoping for Staryu, but those aren't available for awhile. I'll figure something out when the time comes. For now, I go exploring in Ecruteak.
One house has a guy who hands out Dowsing Machines. I'm including it because it might be important later, but I'm probably not going to use it much.
On the north side is this Bell Tower. I can't go in and I am sure it isn't important or will ever come up ever again. Never, guys. Never.
And that brings us to the Gym. I have to admit, I'm a little intimidated since the last time.
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“Morty, the Gym Leader, has gone to
the Burned Tower.
Sorry, but you'll have to leave.
Ho ho ho.”
Old Man Railroader gives me the business. Dutifully, I head to the Burned tower on the northwest side.
Along with Eusine "Totally a Real Name" Jones is his bud, Leader Morty.
Is this some kind of Important Character Party? All we're missing is a certain onion head...
Gastly is faster than Rhianna, despite being a level lower and unevolved. And of course, Rhianna ends hurting herself in confusion.
Instead I switch to Nelly (seriously fuck confusion). Gastly uses his turn on the bafflingly stupid move Curse, hurting himself by half to give Nelly a damage over time slightly more potent than a burn and is cured by switching out. Nelly finishes him off with Bite.
Magnemite goes down with a single Flame Wheel.
So I timed my shot pretty badly; what happened is I swiched to Rhianna to fight Croconaw, excited to put her to good use against a tough water opponent. Croconaw knows Ice Fang though and rips her to shreds in one shot. Sigh.
Nelly would get destroyed so I'm forced to use Diane. She's not very good against him.
Mercifully, Croconaw spends a lot of turns using Mean Look. Diane whittles it down slowly using Flame Wheel and Quick Attack.
It eventually uses Water Gun a few times, but it's too little too late and Rhianna faints him.
As Passerb babbles I bring out Nelly for a Zubat duel.
The enemy Zubat wastes literally all of its turns on Supersonic. They all miss and Nelly kills it unscratched.
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"around." |
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“You would never be able to catch a
legendary Pokemon anyway.”
Oh my god guys. I get it. We're not supposed to like this character. That's it, right? That's what they're getting at?
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