Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 131: Lass Dana

“If you're really good, I want you to
teach me some things.”
 I forget that Flying isn't effective against Electric. There's just too many types to keep track of man. I switch to Rhianna, but not before Flaafy manages to paralyze Nelly.
 I put Rhianna in for the job, but she gets paralyzed herself thanks to Thunder Wave.
Before I can finish it off, Dana uses Moomoo Milk to completely restore its HP.
 Rhianna cuts through Flaafy's health a second time, getting a bit roughed up in the process.
 I heal Nelly up for Psyduck. Now the problem is that Poison is vunerable to Psychic, so I'm forced to switch again.
 Diane kills it as easily as one could expect.
“Moomoo Farm's milk is famous for
its taste.”
 Kind of surprising how much trouble she gave me given her personality...

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