Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 117: Firebreather Ned

Finally I make it downstairs, where the legendary cats are, doing whatever it is they do.
One by one, they all run away.
“SUICUNE raced by like a blur, right in
front of my eyes!
I have been chasing SUICUNE for almost
ten years, but I have never been this
close! I'm all choked up!
By the way...
It was clear to me that SUICUNE took
notice of your presence.
Ecruteak's legendary Pokemon are said
to come to people only when they
recognize their talents.
Perhaps I should be more aggressive
toward SUICUNE...
Anyway, Stalin, we will
meet again!”
I... I gotta be honest. I could not care less about this subplot. There's nothing else down here; the point of the scene was to enable me to see/catch the legendaries on the world map. As such I head back upstairs.
“of fire better than anyone!”
I tried screwing around with different Pokemon to spread the experience, but Rhianna is weak against Poison and Nelly isn't a high enough level to do much damage.
For the next Koffing I just keep Diane in there.
I switched to Nelly briefly for Growlithe, but he was quite keen on handing her her ass.
Haha it works on two levels!
“The fire I'm breathing is tiny
in comparison...”
Get on its level.

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