Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 111: Psychic Greg

I finally arrive at Ecruteak City. But the unexplored path to the right tempts me with the promise of more experience points - after Whitney, I'm not taking any chances.
 Rhianna opens with Vine Whip.
 Drowzee stays true to his namesake.
 While Rhianna snoozes, he uses Dream Eater for massive damage. It also heals him up to nearly full health.
I bring out Nelly to sort him out, and Bite does quite a bit of damage, but Drowzee goes for his Hypnosis/Dream Eater combo again. On the next turn, I use an awakening to revive Nelly while Drowzee wastes his turn on Dream Eater.
Another Bite finishes it off.

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