Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 113: Team Rocket Grunt -- Ecruteak City

 At last, I've arrived at Ecruteak. It's got the same old-timiness at Violet City. First stop is the Pokecenter, what with the neglect of Rhianna yesterday.
"Hmm, Stalin, huh?
You know what?
I'm the one who developed
the system to transfer Pokemon.
But it couldn't have been done by
me alone.
For example, do you know the Hoenn
region? This girl Lanette from Hoenn
made the Pokemon Storage System
easier to use.
My friends all over the world are
working together to improve
the Pokemon trade and
storage systems.
I have to hurry on back to Goldenrod
and see my folks.
 A rather pointless moment plotwise, but it does open up the ability to get Eevee when I go back to Goldenrod. I'll head back there when I get Fly. For now, I pop into a random building...
“...You mustn't push such a request
on me.”

Are you telling me you don't respect
what the customer wants?
Well, then I'll show you how to dance.
I'll show you a great one.
 He begins twirling around like an idiot. Guess I better do something.
“You dare to get in my way?”
 Rhianna goes up against Koffing, which as one can see is not very effective.
 Since I am a tactical genius, I don't switch her out at all and instead use Stun Spore to tip the scales somewhat.
She slowly whittles it to death, helped by the fact that it likes to use Smog or get paralyzed instead of actually dealing damage.
She looks more shocked than weepy. :O
I have an important mission.
If they find out I was wasting time
here, they'll make me start over
as the lowest Team Rocket Grunt!
I better leave now!”
The joke is that he is incompetent.

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