Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 229: Team Rocket Grunt

 The next day, past the Team Rocket Grunt...
“You should be able to unlock the door
with the Card Key!”
 I need a Card Key in order to beat Diablo. That lady on the lower right tells me the Director has the Card Key. I can find him on the top floor. To the top, I suppose!

I go up a floor...
“because I'm going to beat you!”
 Once again I'm forced to switch to Nelly because Rhianna isn't typed well against Zubat.  Zubat immediately confuse rays me. In a bold, totally-unlike-me decision, I power through the confusion and have Nelly use a move...
 Which, surprisingly, works.
Grunt's next 'mon is Golbat. I switch to Rhianna to give her some experience, but then quickly switch back.
The Golbat uses a few Wing Attacks, beating up Nelly to half health. A few Bites later, though, and it dies.
Grimer's last. It uses Sludge a few times, but then, in a shocking twist, I Bite it to death.

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