Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 214: Electrode

 The next day, by two dead Electrodes...
 This battle plays out exactly like yesterday's. Two Flame Wheels to kill it; it just uses Light Screen before going down. Afterwards I walk over to Lance.
“normal. You're the best!
Let me thank you on behalf of all the
Pokemon. Oh, yes. You should take this.
I found it here, but I don't have any
need for it.”
“Teach it to a Pokemon to get across wild
water. But keep this in mind.
You can use that out of battle only with
the Badge from Mahogany Gym.”
 Cool, another HM to waste a perfectly good move slot. Not a fan of the design behind HMs. Anyway, Lance has more words.
“The journey to become the Pokemon
Champion is long and difficult.
Knowing that, will you keep going?
I see. No, you're right.
If you would give up that easily,
you would have never chased that
dream in the first place.
I look forward to seeing you again!”
 I had to type out all eighteen of those periods. I hope someone out there is happy about it.
 Lance exits, leaving me to my own devices. The plan'll have to be staring at a wall for the next 24 hours.

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