Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 45: Fisherman Ralph

 I switch out for Nelly. She has a goofy smile in this shot. If you squint and pretend her fangs are eyes, she looks like Meta Knight.
 Everyone is so goddamn enthusiastic in these games!
 The good ol' experience switcharoo. Nobody expects fire-mullet butch Quilava! I am a little worried though, since Goldeen could potentially deal some actual damage to her.
It wastes its chance on nonsense moves like these, and Quilava kills it without a scratch.
“I can teach you how to fish well, if
you'd like to exchange phone
numbers with me?"
 Creepy old man I just met gets my number.
“younger friend!”
 Ralph said, staring at young Stalin with a hunger in his eyes.

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