Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 22: Bug Catcher Wade

Due to unforeseen consequences, I've rendered all of my screenshots as lower quality .bmp's today. Good lord are they ugly. They'll be back to normal tomorrow. 

I come upon this Dark Cave.
Aptly named, I suppose. I head back out and walk over to my left.
If you insist....

A Caterpie. I burn it to death...

Another Caterpie. I burn it to death...

A... Weedle!? I burn it to death... 
A Caterpie. I burn it to death.
"When I'm in the tall grass, I find all kinds of Berries."
Did I mention this mechanic yet? In G/S and these remakes, trainers will ask for your phone number and call you for a rematch or for berries or whatever. It's a nice little distraction, but when I was a kid I thought it was the most amazing thing ever. I think I got the impression that you would develop personal relationships with these random characters. But that would require effort on the part of Game Freak, so...

I go ahead and accept his invitation anyway, because free berries why not.

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