Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 246: Executive Archer

another moon, i
stop by the pokecenter
to revive my friends

 elevator rise
approaching my destiny
kyle looks retarded
final leader of
goth train conductor brigade
hair like listerine
“You must be quite the Trainer.
We intend to take over this
Radio Tower and officially announce
our comeback.
That should bring our boss Giovanni
back from his solitary training.
We are going to regain our
former glory...
I will not allow you to interfere with
our meticulous plans!”
youth still green little lamb
stared at by the scary evil dog
 better switch to diane
 a lot of misses
plentiful fields of red rage
eventually cuts
continues to miss
 meanwhile evil dog uses crunch
very painful. Ah!
crisp pop rings through air
 diane drinks the frosty sweet nectar
 another cut wins
youth comes out still weak
big evil dog gonna rape him
better switch to nelly
crunch is critical
not quite appreciated
like seriously
risk a wing attack
next turn must heal ailing bat
nectar does it all
big evil dog turned to dust
such is poke life
"reaches Giovanni!”
youth comes out still weak
smoke ball looks self-satisfied
better switch to diane
so many flame wheels
smoke ball uses poison sludge
everyone suffering
diane barely wins
tastes red wine of victory
 only four health points
“Our dreams have come to naught.
I was not up to the task after all.
Like Giovanni has done before me, I will
disband Team Rocket here today.
team rocket blasts off
sort of an anticlimax
at least no more grunts

from elevator
senile old man bumbles close
not aware of things
“You have already defeated them?
Thank you!
Your courageous actions have saved
Pokemon nationwide.
You are well worth this.
Please take it!”
“When the tower was replaced with the
Radio Tower, that Rainbow Wing was
found at the top of the tower.
I heard from a friend from Cianwood City
that you can climb the Bell Tower in
Ecruteak City when you have a
Rainbow Wing.
I have to get back to my office.
See you!”
“According to my friend from Cianwood
City, the legendary Pokemon will not
appear if you just go up to the top of
the Bell Tower with only that
Rainbow Wing.
Apparently there is something else
you need... Or something like that.
I wonder what it was...
I can't remember.”
“I really must go back to my office this
time. See ya!”
receive the tm
not much more to say today
see you tomorrow

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