Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 234: Rival Passerb

 The next day, in the subway hideout...
 Spider sense!
“What I told you before was to deceive
you. I thought it would let me tail you,
and it would lead me to Lance.
Well, he never showed up.
...No matter.
I was planning to beat you after Lance,
but since you are here, I will repay
my debts!”
 You'd have to beat me about a dozen times to repay your debts...
 Passerb opens with Golbat. I start with Rhianna, who doesn't pair well against Golbat. So I switch to Nelly. She gets a Wing Attack in before getting confused.
 I switch again to Diane, finishing it off with Golbat.

Then, ominously...

 Passerb readies Feraligatr. Rhianna's the only one with a type advantage against it, but last time he wrecked her with Ice Fang. I decide to take my chances anyway...
 I try Nelly instead, who, to her credit, does beat him up quite a bit with Wing Attack. But eventually...
 Nelly's gone, and Diane's the only player I've got left.
 Flame Wheel's the strongest move she has, so I spam in in spite of its halved effectiveness.
Water Gun is rough.
 Quick Attack finishes it off. Passerb brings out his weakest Pokemon, Magenemite.
 I switch to Veronica, knowing I'll have several turns to prepare my dead and dying Pokemon.
 I begin by healing Diane. Magnemite uses Thunder Wave to paralyze Veronica.
 A few turns later, I have the whole team healed up. I switch back to Diane.
 The rejuvenated Diane destroys Magnemite with Lava Plume.
I switch to Nelly to one-shot Haunter with Bite. As Passerb prepares Sneasel as his final Pokemon, I switch to Rhianna just so she can nab some experience.
<insert TDK reference here>
 I Stun Spore Sneasel before switching back to Diane.
 Flame Wheel kills it in one hit.
“I've assembled the toughest Pokemon.
I didn't ease up on the gas.
So why do I lose?”
Didn't ease up on the gas...?
“Is what that Lance guy said true?
That I don't treat Pokemon properly?
Are they really what I lack?
Are they keeping me from winning?
I... I just don't understand. But it's
not going to end here. Not now.
Not because of this.
I won't give up my dream of becoming
the world's best Pokemon Trainer!”
The irony being that love and trust do nothing in this game. What you really lack is enough strength! He should just apply his current philosophy, but more.

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