Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 245: Executive Ariana

 The next day, after a trip to the Pokecenter...
 It's Ariana again. Looks kind of like Passerb, now that I think about it. I wonder...
“Mahogany Town?
This time...
Hee hee hee. This time...it looks like
you're really all alone. All alone...
So it should be quite easy.
Bring it! Let's finish this!”
 I open with Flame Wheel, innocently enough. Arbok goes ahead and ruins it by using Glare, paralyzing her.
I spend one of my 20-odd Cheri Berries to cure her.
Another few Flame Wheels and it goes down.
Murkrow also goes down in a few Flame Wheels, but hurts Diane a fair amount with Night Shade before dying.

Suddenly, I decide to make a terrible decision...
 I... I-I'm trying to level up Kyle...
From here I switch to Nelly.
 I beat it within an inch of its life, but...
 I tap rapidly through the next few turns, until...
 Thank you, Nelly.
 oh god its hideous
“bad things!
Feh... People like you will never in a
million years understand our brilliance!
It's too bad... I've really come to
respect your strength.”
 Oh look, she's grown as a character!

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