Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 231: Team Rocket Grunt

 The next day, still on the 3rd floor of the Radio Tower...

I find Ben & Mary, some radio personalities, freaking the hell out.
“MEOWTH, help me!”
 Ahahahah. This Meowth doesn't give a fuck. Let's see what Ben has to say.
“Music enriches people's heart and soul.
Music lovers would never do such
horrible things at a place like the
Radio Tower!”
 ...not what I expected. Moving on...
“If you are in the way of Proton...
I mean Team Rocket. I won't allow that!”
  Are you positive about that?
Heh. Ehehehe. I already made that joke like four months ago.
 As always, Rhianna has to fight Pokemon resistant to her attacks. Vine Whip does a bit over a third of its health, which is tolerable enough for me.
 After a few relatively painless turns it dies.
 Grunt brings out another Ekans. It paralyses Rhianna with Glare, but I power through it.
 Ekans lands a critical Bite, but eventually Rhianna pulls through.
 Grunt's next Pokemon is an Oddish. I let Rhianna take a glimpse of it before switching over to Diane.
 I wreck it in one hit with Lava Plume.
 I keep Diane around for Grunt's final Pokemon. I kill it in one hit as you might expect.
“Who cares about Pokemon?”
theyre ok i guess

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