Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 243: Team Rocket Grunt

 The next day, at the end of the Goldenrod Tunnel...
 It's some guy!
 I like to think he wasn't even captured. He's just got a touch of the 'heimers and wandered in.
“The Radio Tower!
What's happening there?
Taken over by Team Rocket?
Here. Take this Card Key.”
“I'm begging you to help.
There's no telling what they'll do if
they control the transmitter.
They may even be able to control
Pokemon using a special signal!
You're the only one I can call on.
Please save the Radio Tower...
and all the Pokemon nationwide!”
Very well.
 I exit out of the tunnel with these stairs on the upper right. Turns out it leads to the Goldenrod Department Store basement!
 Back to the Radio Tower.
 Here's the door it unlocks, on the third floor.
 I switch over to Rhianna for once, because she is actually able to fight Raticate.
 Raticate beats her up quite a bit with three Hyper Fangs. She pulls through and kills it with two Vine Whips.
Koffing is his last Pokemon. I mistakenly use Air Cutter (it's simply not as good as Wing Attack), allowing it a turn to use Toxic.
Bite kills it for the win.
'Twas Bigfoot.

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