Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 427: Fisherman Scott -- Route 26

I'm about to fight an overeager fisherman, so I heal up Rhianna to give him the business.
“I feel like I could even beat the
League Champion!”
 Qwilfish inexplicably avoids Rhianna's attack, but eventually...
 Within a few turns, Rhianna's able to kill it with Razor Leaf. Rhianna levels up and tries to learn Slam, but it doesn't stick (her other moves are better.)
 The next Pokemon is Seaking. Rhianna kills it in one hit with Razor Leaf.
 Scott's final Pokemon is another Quilfish. This one, too, avoids Rhianna's first Razor Leaf, but it eventually goes down easily enough.
 I have to admit, I enjoy crushing this guy's dreams.
 Dammit. They aren't crushed at all!

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