Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 426: Ace Trainer Reena

 I am looking a little... old, aren't I?

All these battles, day in, day out...

Are they taking my life away...?

Will I be on my deathbed, with nothing to show for it, but Pokemon battles?

What will become of me then...?

What awaits beyond the veil for the man who does nothing but fight Pokemon?

Oh well. Today I fight Ace Trainer Reena. She opens with a Growlithe. I know fire isn't very effective against itself, but Diane just learned a new move called Flamethrower and I intend to try it out.
 In spite of halved effectiveness, Diane kills Growlithe in one hit. Up next is Staryu.
 It, too, kills Staryu in one hit, but more because of the critical hit than anything. Last up is Nidorina.
 Predictably, it kills it in one hit.
“Pokemon League!”

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