Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 412: Goldeen - Tohjo Falls

 Further down Route 27, I come upon this excited man.
“You've taken your first step
into Kanto.
Check your Pokegear Map and see.”
 Sure enough...
 A gangly appendage has been added to the map, encompassing Routes 27 and 26, Victory Road, the Elite Four, and Mt. Silver. For the first time in fifteen months, the end is actually in sight.
“The Link between
Kanto and Johto”
The path to the right is blocked off with ledges, so this is where we're going next.
The falls themselves are incredibly small; it basically just exists to make sure the player has Surf, Waterfall, and the badges to use them.
 Rhianna kills it in one hit with Razor Leaf.

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