Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 274: Ace Trainer Paulo

It's the final stretch of the Ice Path! And look! A Geisha!
“Fancy meeting you here!
To tell the truth... my sandals are
frozen on the ice, and I am stuck here.
In other words, my flip-flops are
quick-frozen with the ground.
Tee hee.
Well, it's no laughing matter.
Would you push my back?”
“Thank you so much!”
 I grab the PP Up, then head out of this god forsaken place.
 Oh man, a color palette other than blue.
 So here's Blackthorn City. One important thing to do before heading to the Gym.
 The Move Deleter is in Blackthorn. I use him to finally rid Diane of a wasted move slot!
“The Gym has unstable footing.
Keep your Pokemon in their Poke Balls.
Now, Clair uses the mythical and sacred
Dragon-type Pokemon.
You can't damage them very easily.
But you know, they're supposed
to be weak against Ice-type moves.”

I see what you did there with the Ice Path, Game Freak.
 So the puzzle here is to hit the arrows to move the platform left/right; the blue circle changes its orientation 90 degrees. Pretty simple.
 Nelly kills Dratini with a Wing Attack and a Poison Fang.
 I switch to Rhianna for Seadra. Two Vine Whips kill it, though Rhianna gets pretty beat up in the process. It had a critical hit bubblebeam, of all things, and I was forced to heal Rhianna before finishing it.
 I switch bat to Nelly, one-shotting it with Wing Attack.
 His hair was on fire.

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