Thursday, November 21, 2013

A shitshow

Festivus has come early this year, for I must now air my grievances.

Today I spent about an hour and a half cleaning my dusty, crumby keyboard. It's a nice mechanical Dell RT7D50 I got used from Amazon, for I am a man who likes his clickety clacks. I pulled out every key with a small length of aluminum. Then I wiped the sides of each key for dust, putting them in a pile. For the keyboard, I put a tiny amount of water in the rivulets between the key slots; I was careful to make sure the water only ever touched plastic and didn't get into the slots themselves, which would've damaged the circuitry. After it had dried for awhile, I used compressed air to blow out the remaining dust (though I probably should have done this first, since the water made a lot of the debris stick together and there may have been some moisture in the globs that went flying around.) Finally, I replaced the keys without incident.
Perhaps you can see where I am going with this. The keyboard worked perfectly fine for a few hours, then the space bar, the most vital of bars, stopped taking input. I had to leave at that moment, deciding it might work later, and shut the computer down. When I came back hours after, Windows decided to BSOD on startup. This is a preexisting issue I've tried to deal with in the past; once in a blue moon the computer will simply crash when trying to load the OS. Once upon a time it was far worse, and I could almost never get into Windows. After some troubleshooting and a reflash of my SSD, I could go many weeks without seeing it again.

This was not one of those weeks. The computer restarted itself after the crash, and went to the "Windows did not start successfully" error page, where it asks if you want to start Windows normally or go into the Recovery tool (where it takes ten minutes to determine it doesn't know what the fuck and restarts the computer again). In this menu recovery tool is the option highlighted by default, so I tried to hit the down arrow to select Windows. Turns out, the down arrow doesn't work either.

Sufficed to say, this is something of a shitshow. I can't get into my computer with all my Battleaday stuff. I don't have any other keyboards. I may just buy a cheapo 10$ one tomorrow, but like I said before, I am a man who likes his clickety clacks. Clickety clack mechanical keyboards aren't readily available, and they certainly aren't 10$. I may just buy a cheap one for now and ask for a nice mechanical one for Christmas; we'll see. Aaaaanyways, that's why there's no update today! See you tomorrow, most likely.

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