Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 190: Camper Spencer -- Mahogany Town & Route 43

 The next day, a farthing away from Hiker Benjamin...
 I enter Mahjongany Town. You can see the Gym on the lower right...
...but there's a fat guy in the way.
“He has been going back and forth
between here and the Lake of Rage
saying strange radio waves are
being transmitted.
Who is he, I wonder.”
 Um, none of this explains why you're blocking the Gym...
Let's see what else is in this small town.
 Seems legit. Let's move on.
“I see you're new in Mahogany Town.
Since you're new, you should try a
yummy RageCandyBar!
Right now, it can be yours for just
$300! Want one?”
 Regardless if I buy one, he'll always block the east exit until I clear the content at the Lake of Rage to the north. I wish they were a little more clever about their road blocks...
 Without further ado (seriously, there's nothing else to do) I head to the Lake of Rage.
 Vine Whip one-shots the Sandshrew.
 I switch to Diane for Zubat, OHKOing with Flame Wheel.
 I switch back to Rhianna, who needs two turns to kill the Sandslash with Vine Whip.

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