Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 171: Geodude

The next day, at the Ruins of Alph...
 I managed to get out of that pointless indoor area with Unowns.
  I head back to the room where I fell down; you can see the trapdoor where I got "misdirected". Behind it are some hieroglyphs I'm supposed to read...
 It says "Light." Easier to figure out than Webdings. I'm supposed to use Flash. I teach it to Kyle and use it...
 Inside are a bunch of items, including my coveted Sitrus berry. Now I just need to get the Leppa berry.
 I head back outside to where I think I'm supposed to go (it actually isn't.) I use Rock Smash on a rock ahead of me, and suddenly...
 It takes two Flame Wheels to counteract his defense and typing, but he dies all the same. I gotta figure all this out tomorrow.

 Oh, and with the help of a traveling Cameraman, I took another picture:
 Poor Aidan gets covered yet again!

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