Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 186: Goldeen

The next day, after a flight to Ecruteak City...
 I head east to Route 42, destination Mahogany Town, the town south of the Lake of Rage.
I come upon some water. That cave leads Mt. Mortar, but there's not much reason for me to go there right now. And for SOME STRANGE REASON, I don't feel like going into a cave...
I find an island with Suicune on it.

It pushes me away and runs off like a dick.
“How refreshing it is!
How beautiful it is!
And how quickly it moves!"
“SUICUNE would appear
Well, that's OK.
My desire to search for SUICUNE is
far beyond yours...
My grandpa was...quite into myths.
I've heard so many stories about
SUICUNE from him.”
“I won't stop following you until
I've found out what you're after...
You hear me!”
 This is getting creepy. Anyways, I head further east.
 More water. Immediately after using Surf...
 Goldeen is decent experience for once. Quite a nice change after you-know-what.

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