So, this here is Dark Cave, marking the end of Route 45. I could fly back to Blackthorn and do another run of it, because I missed a lot on the path I chose, but... eh, I'm in the mood for some progress.
If you'll remember, Elm called in a few weeks ago about "something neat." It's time to check that out.
I Fly home. It's been a long time.
I find Girl McOniontails upon entering Elm's lab.
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“That's so cool!
The professor is waiting
for you.”
yeah i'm kind of the coolest
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“Thanks to you, my research is
going great!
Take this as a token of my appreciation.” |
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“It's the ultimate Poke Ball! It'll
any Pokemon without fail.
It's given only to noted
Pokemon researchers.
I think you can make much better
use of it than I can, Stalin!”
Neat! I've always wanted to go catch a
Zubat and this will be -
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“By the way...
We just had a group of beautiful
Kimono Girls looking for you.”
Beautiful Kimono Girls, eh? Time to get out the mustache wax. But first, Pigtail Boners has a compliment for me:
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“I heard you helped Kimono Girls?
You've been helping all these people!
You make me proud to be your friend.”
It's true, I have been helping them. It's time to pay them a visit...
I Fly over to Ecruteak City and make my way to the Dance Theater.
And the world's most compelling character exits the theater.
So, I gotta be honest. What follows is a 5-trainer gauntlet, each with their own relatively powerful Pokemon, intro and outro text. Without a break. The sheer amount of work it would involve to get all that editing done is making my head spin. Especially with everything else so far. So for today I'm just going to cover the initial battle.
First up is Umbreon. It's surprisingly tanky, with Lava Plume only dealing about a third of its health, but burning it in the process.
It responds with the dickest of moves.
Diane works through it and lands another Lava Plume.
The burn at the end of its turn finishes it off neatly.

Tune in tomorrow for: KIMONO GIRL NAOKO
(Edited 5/20/2014)
Onto Naoko...
It uses Swift, while Diane goes for the Lava Plume.
It uses Psychic, damaging Diane quite a bit, but she's able to finish it off with another Lava Plume.
Tune in tomorrow for: KIMONO GIRL MIKI
(Edited 5/21/2014)
Onto Miki...
Miki's Eevee evolution is Flareon, a Pokemon I can't really counter. I send Diane in, figuring I can... fight fire with fire ;)))
First move is healing her, since she got her mind rocked by Espeon.
Diane uses Lava Plume, which turns out to be a very bad idea. It attemps to use Fire Blast, but misses.
She gets off a few Quick Attacks before dying to Flareon's buffed Fire Blasts.
I resort to Nelly, the ace. She kills Flareon with a Bite and a Wing Attack, but gets pretty beat up in the process.
Tune in tomorrow for: KIMONO GIRL SAYO
(Edited 5/22/2014)
Onto Sayo...
Upon bringing Diane back in, Jolteon uses Thunder Wave. What a dick.
Diane responds with a pretty nasty Lava Plume though, giving Jolteon burn.
Next, Jolteon beats up Diane with Thunder Bolt. Diane's Lava Burn brings Jolteon to an inch of its life, before finally succumbing to burn at the end of the turn. I love it when that happens.
Tune in tomorrow for: KIMONO GIRL KUNI
(Edited 5/23/2014)
Onto Kuni...
...Well, except for the fact that Vaporeon knows Aurora Beam, negating the type advantage Rhianna has. I swear, all the high-level water Pokemon have Ice moves. Rhianna never gets any respect.
Regardless, Rhianna survives the hit and uses Razor Leaf, dealing pretty impressive damage.
I heal her using a Max Potion, while Vaporeon uses a pretty weak Quick Attack.
Next, Vaporeon opens with another Aurora Beam, taking Rhianna down to one health.
Unfazed, Rhianna kills it off with another Razor Leaf.
They don't say this outright, but the Clear Bell is what allows me to summon Ho-oh.
A little girl walks in...
Whew. And so ends five days of work.
(Edited 5/20/2014)
Onto Naoko...
It uses Swift, while Diane goes for the Lava Plume.
It uses Psychic, damaging Diane quite a bit, but she's able to finish it off with another Lava Plume.
(Edited 5/21/2014)
Onto Miki...
Miki's Eevee evolution is Flareon, a Pokemon I can't really counter. I send Diane in, figuring I can... fight fire with fire ;)))
First move is healing her, since she got her mind rocked by Espeon.
Diane uses Lava Plume, which turns out to be a very bad idea. It attemps to use Fire Blast, but misses.
I resort to Nelly, the ace. She kills Flareon with a Bite and a Wing Attack, but gets pretty beat up in the process.
(Edited 5/22/2014)
Onto Sayo...
Upon bringing Diane back in, Jolteon uses Thunder Wave. What a dick.
Diane responds with a pretty nasty Lava Plume though, giving Jolteon burn.
Next, Jolteon beats up Diane with Thunder Bolt. Diane's Lava Burn brings Jolteon to an inch of its life, before finally succumbing to burn at the end of the turn. I love it when that happens.
Incidentally, this is when Rhianna levels up and learns Razor Leaf, replacing Vine Whip. Should make her a LOT more useful, with 10 more PP and 20 more base damage.
Tune in tomorrow for: KIMONO GIRL KUNI
(Edited 5/23/2014)
Onto Kuni...
...Well, except for the fact that Vaporeon knows Aurora Beam, negating the type advantage Rhianna has. I swear, all the high-level water Pokemon have Ice moves. Rhianna never gets any respect.
Regardless, Rhianna survives the hit and uses Razor Leaf, dealing pretty impressive damage.
I heal her using a Max Potion, while Vaporeon uses a pretty weak Quick Attack.
Next, Vaporeon opens with another Aurora Beam, taking Rhianna down to one health.
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“Please take it.”
A little girl walks in...
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“I just saw the big shadow of a
over the Bell Tower!
It could be...”
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“See you there!”
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