Alright. It's time to finish this.
Exiting 9F to 8F.
I make it to the end without much fuss, switching to Sarah because Rhianna would be destroyed.
Just up this ladder...
“When the dance we practiced for many
days becomes one with the sound of the
Clear Bell we entrusted to you,
then HO-OH shall come down from the
great arch of the sky once again!”
“from ancient times...
So many have tried and tried, only
to fail...
Stalin, your heart and the Clear
Bell in harmony have finally made
it appear...”
“HO-OH must have been waiting for
someone like you all this time.
Wouldn't you agree...?”
Sarah opens with a pretty unimpressive Surf. (Ho-oh used Extrasensory first, a pretty damaging Psychic move.)
Ho-oh uses Fire Blast, dealing... considerable damage, even though it was at half effectiveness.
Sarah heals slightly with a Sitrus berry I gave her prior to the battle, before using a very unimpressive Bite. Honestly, I meant to use Surf... but my hand slipped :(
Sarah heals with a Super Potion, but...
Ho-oh undoes it handily.
As such, I deem Sarah no longer worthy and let Ho-oh kill her.
I have Nelly use a pretty potent Fly. Ho-oh misses a Sacred Fire and uses Sunny Day in the process - pretty good deal, really.
Next turn I have Nelly use Bite (Fly would've killed it), but Ho-oh takes Nelly down with Fire Blast in a single hit.
I bring out Diane and use her first turn reviving Sarah as backup.
Diane uses Quick Attack next, bringing Ho-oh into the red.
Another Quick Attack. Fortunately, it didn't crit.
(Note: I only brought three.)
Balls. Ho-oh is offended by this lack of reverence and uses Sacred Fire.
I give Diane a lemonade to drink before...
Balls. It appeared to be caught. I'm down to my last Ultra Ball.
I bring out Rhianna for some paralysis/sleep action. I figure she should at least be able to survive
one of Ho-oh's attacks, since by now both of its fire moves (Sacred Fire and Fire Blast) are out of PP.
Alas. Rhianna is Grass/Poison, and Poison is super ineffective against Psychic.
Rhianna never gets any respect.
fuck it
Since Ho-oh is genderless, I go for your average gender-neutral name. Welcome aboard, Cody! Hope you like the PC!
Whew. I wash my hands of this nonsense. Onto Kanto!