Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 279: Golbat

 So, I could fight Claire right now, but I've studied her team and she's going to be tough. She's got a three Pokemon with water moves, which means my ace Diane is not going to be very useful. They also have a few fire moves, so Rhianna would die immediately. Pretty much my only Pokemon who can stand up to them is Nelly, and while she's powerful, she isn't good enough to solo four Gym leader 'mons. Thus, I have a plan...
 I'm headed back to the Ice Path. My plan is two fold: One, throw Nelly against thousands of Golbats and Swinubs, leveling her up. Two, catch a Jynx, and level her up too. Yep, that means I'm going to be in this neck of the woods for a long, long time. Battleaday!
 The first Pokemon up to the slaughter is Golbat.
 Nelly kills it in one Wing Attack.

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