Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 154: Swimmer♂ Randall

 Note: As it happens, I have another trip to go on, so all the battleadays through Sunday have been written today. I BELIEVE I've resolved the scheduled post issue I had last time, so it should be fine. Otherwise, if there aren't any posts for awhile, wait until Monday before you think I died.
 I can't, apparently...
 I try out Acid for once, since Vine Whip PP is getting low. It's quite effective, because Rhianna has a high Special Attack stat (as of Sunday's post at level 26 - 50!)
 Vine Whip kills it in two turns. And it even wasted its turn on Tail Whip!
I accidentally use Vine Whip, but Shellder wastes his turn on tackle, so no big deal.
 Acid finishes it off.

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