Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 256: Zubat

 A week later, in the Ice Path....
Diane one-shots it with Flame Wheel. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 255: Swinub

 The next day, deeper inside the cave...
 Ice Path, eh? Gotta have some slidey puzzles.
 I slide the shit out of it.
 I slide more for HM07, Waterfall. Moving on...
“I am the once who dropped it... but I
want you to keep it.
You took the time to get it, right?
It contains Waterfall.
Have fun climbing waterfalls!
Me? I still need a new pair of shoes
before I can enjoy waterfalls.”
Shoes? I... don't see the connection...

I head down a ladder...
 Swinub catches me here.
 It survives Flame Wheel because of its Endure ability.
 I finish it off with Quick Attack.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 254: Jynx

 The next day, at the very end of Route 44...
 Time to enter the final area before Blackthorn City.
 Pretty. I don't get far before...
Diane's gonna shine here. She kills Jynx in one hit with Flame Wheel.

Well, that was fast. Been weeks since I fought a wild Pokemon.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 253: Bird Keeper Vance

 The next day, near the Ice Cave...
 I switch from Rhianna to Nelly. Grass and Bird don't mix, kids.
 Next, Nelly kills it with Wing Attack.
 Vance's next and final Pokemon, Pidgeotto, dies in two Wing Attacks.
“I heard there are other legendary
birds, though.”

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 252: Fisherman Edgar

 The next day, after a trip to the Pokecenter...
“That's my relationship with my Pokemon.”
 Remoraid dies in one hit to Vine Whip.
 As does the other one. Yay!
“I won't battle again for a while.”
 Try 252 to 1, bithc!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 251: Ace Trainer Cybil

The next day, while backtracking through Route 44...
“Good Trainers seek tough opponents
 I start with Louis again, then switch to Rhianna.
 Rhianna hurts Mareep with Vine Whip, but gets paralyzed in the process due to Mareep's Static ability.
 Another Vine Whip kills it.
 For Bellossom, I switch Rhianna out for Diane.
 Diane one-shots it with Lava Plume.
“I am today—an elite.”

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 250: Ace Trainer Allen

 The next day, at the end of Route 44...
 Sneak attack!
“I'm good at Pokemon, and I can see that
you are, too.”
 So I'll be honest guys. I was pretty darn bad at capturing the right screenshots today. I start with Louis, then switch to Diane. Charmeleon uses Scary Look, decreasing Dian'e speed. Next turn he uses Fire Fang, and Diane uses Fire Wheel for half of his health.
 For two turns in a row, Charmeleon's Fire Fangs cause Diane to flinch.
 Finally, Diane lands a cut, killing Charmeleon.
 I switch back to Louis for some experience, then go right back to Diane.
 Diane one-shots it with Flame Wheel.
“I wonder if Ecruteak Gym's Morty is
still in training?
He really hammered me.”